The Reclamation and the Lioness Read online

Page 24

  But we didn’t have that option anymore. The Architect was dead, and there was no doubt in my mind the Moderator was coming for us now. While I was grateful that Xena agreed to assist us, I couldn’t help but think we didn’t have enough time to prepare.

  I had no idea if we could stop the XU-97. So far, our only viable option centered around hijacking an anti-aircraft gun, but we didn’t even know if it was operational. If so, could we recover it? Did it have ammunition? There were so many unknowns, but it was clear we would need General Haik and his nomads to locate this weapon.


  Two days later...

  A guard knocked on the door. “General Haik, Kodiak is outside. He requests permission to speak with you. He says it’s urgent.”

  General Haik continued staring at the regional map spread across the cave wall, using a torch’s light to illuminate it. “Send him in,” Haik replied. The guard opened the door and Kodiak walked in.

  Kodiak cleared his throat and spat on the rocky floor. He wiped his mouth, wiping phlegm on his jacket sleeve. General Haik turned around and looked him up and down. He shook his head and arched an eyebrow as he approached the old sniper. “Did you act in such a way when the Warden occupied these quarters?” Haik posed.

  Kodiak shrugged. He smiled, revealing his blackened teeth. “I think not, I was a bit cautious of the fangs, claws, and fiery sword that could chop through steel. I’m old, but I’m not stupid.”

  General Haik stabbed his finger at Kodiak. “That’s not the reason, the reason is because you respected him. Let me explain something to you, old man, none of us can live up to the Warden, but at least respect that I have the courage to try and bring honor to his legacy!”

  Kodiak took off his hood. He nodded. “Of course, General,” he said in a sarcastic tone.

  Haik turned his back on Kodiak, storming over to the map on the wall. “Why are you here? Have our scouts indicated the raider convoy has moved further south?” Haik demanded, still fuming.

  “Negative, no reports from the scouts. We do have something else though. A wanderer stumbled in. He was half dead,” Kodiak revealed.

  Haik threw up his hands. “That’s why you’re here? Give him some food and put him to work if he’d like to stay, you know the routine—”

  Kodiak shook his head. “No. This one might be different. He can barely speak, but he claims his name is, Barrus.”

  Haik glanced up at the ceiling. “Barrus? That name doesn’t sound remotely familiar. Why should I care?” Haik questioned.

  Kodiak chuckled. “Then let me tell you a short story, young buck. Many years ago, the Legion had a commander named Barrus. Strangely enough, this wanderer claims that same last name and that he’s from the Legion.”

  Haik whipped his head toward Kodiak. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Even more interesting, he told us the Engineer banished him,” Kodiak said.

  Haik narrowed his eyes. “Banished. Did he say why?”

  “Not yet. He’s sleeping, but he claims the Legion has a secret that we would all want to hear. Apparently, they never expected him to survive. He’s willing to divulge this secret in exchange for his personal protection,” Kodiak replied.

  Haik crossed his arms and pushed out his bottom lip. “His protection? Hm. That’s an odd request. But perhaps this man is looking to take revenge on the ones who banished him? For now, let’s clean him up and question him, let us see what the man with the prominent last name has to say.”

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR reading! I hope you enjoyed this adventure!

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